Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter and Egg Nest Hat

Hey Jammers! Happy Easter! Today's new item is the Bird Nest Hat!

This item is interesting.The birds on it are adorable! But I wouldn't wear it, and it's member anyways. It is for sale in Jam Mart Clothing.

Now, about the mini adventures, like the Spring Festival egg hunt, I got a great idea after hearing so many people complain about them being too hard and that it took them hours to finish. My idea was to have a hint button which will tell you in which section the eggs are. Just me suggesting this probably won't get this idea anywhere, but with your help, AJHQ just might consider it. To help, submit this through one of the question mark buttons.

So what do you think? Is it a good idea? Be sure to leave a comment!

Happy Easter!


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Spring Festival Adventure

Hey Jammers! Today the new Spring Festival adventure came out! Here are some screenshots:

The picture below is a picture of one of the non-member prizes. 

In the adventure, you have to find Easter eggs. There are 100 in total. There are lots of cool items, even for non-members. I suggest you play it. I might make a guide to it that shows the location of all the eggs. What do you think? 

Happy Jamming!


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Happy April Fool's Day!!

Hey Jammers! Happy April Fool's day!! But apparently Wednesday is the new Monday, because Monday's Rare Rhino Helmet is still in stores.

I kind of like this rare though. Not colour-wise, but because of the fact that it's just like the non-rare Rhino Helmet, and in this way members can still wear a Rhino Helmet even if they're not that rare.

On the other hand though, AJHQ has been bringing back a lot of items that went on clearance last year. It is kind of disappointing to people who worked hard to get the item, just for it to come back in stores. I suggest you trade your clearance items before they come back.

So anyway, The April Fool's party is back. It looks almost the same as last year, but some of the items are different, both items for sale and items placed in the party. Here are some of the new items.

Well, have a good April Fool's Day! If you play a prank on someone, be sure to tell us all about it by leaving a comment!

Happy Jamming!
