Saturday, October 17, 2015

Bread Hat!

Hey Jammers! Today's new item is the Bread Hat!

A GIF showing the Bread Hat in all it's different colours.

At first, this just seems like some strange Halloween item, but it's much more than that. This item is actually a reference to the "cat breading" meme.

A comparison between the Bread Hat and the cat breading meme.

I think this is an ingenious idea from AJHQ. By making items related to memes, people are more likely to buy the item, and they are some of the only references AJHQ can make with their items that aren't copyrighted. Even if you've never seen this meme, it's still a fun item which could be part of any silly costume. You can buy this item in Jam Mart Clothing for 400 gems. 

Too bad you couldn't wear this and the Cat Ears at the same time. That would be 'purr'fect. 

Happy Jamming!



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-stares at Metroleafs-
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